
Revelations Review: A Badly Cut Diamond

Still a diamond, but a massive disappoinment. If you were to take a rare and precious giant gemstone, say a 100-carat diamond, and cut it in such a way as to waste much of its mass, and create facets that are not geometric but askew and lopsided, and fail to polish it to a fine clarity you get the idea of what went terribly wrong with Battlestar Galactica's mid-season finale episode Revelations. I expected radiance and sparkle, most of all clarity at last to some of the inner secrets of this treasure. I seem to be alone with my critical review amongst the nearly universal praise the episode is receiving elsewhere, but I've detailed carefully what I see as the episode's shortcomings. Scroll down for full review


Anonymous said...

You say "Scroll down for full review," yet I see no full review. What's up?

Anonymous said...

Still no full review, eh? I guess we have to wait 'til 2009 for that, too.

radii said...

anon .... scroll down already ... it's three posts below this one (maybe you're clicking the title and being navigated away from the blog home page?)

Anonymous said...

I don't see it anywhere either!