First we must consider that this is officialdom talking. These images have been around and not pulled down, so they must be up with the blessing of Ron Moore, Sci-Fi Channel, et al.
The stills:
Doral has taken a head shot and is shooting back (perhaps at Baltar and Six? Doral did threaten Baltar's life on New Caprica).
Roslin is in a casual dress and dancing in the fountain at the outdoor market we saw in the miniseries - she seems elated and the water seeems to represent that she has become cleansed (is it a dream?). Six and Baltar seem quite pleased with themselves and each other and Head Six is prominent (red dress) - in several scenes. Baltar is in various uniforms: casual suit, formal pimp suit, and commando outfit. Six is also seen alone in modern New York - waiting? Adama and Roslin are together in a Raptor, in civilian clothes and seeming very much the couple. Ellen is in a red dress similar to Head Six's looking her best. Helo, Lee and Kara are in commando-style uniforms - perhaps with new insignia for Kara and Helo (denoting some new faction?). And Adama and Tigh are together, in civilian clothes, at a strip club !!??!! I'm pleased that the end is the beginning, as I'd hoped - for there are several shots of that park/outdoor market area from the miniseries. My guess is it will all be resolved when we find out who Caprica Six was meeting after she sent Baltar on his way and turned (to camera) and said, "It's about time" ...
My guess is that the Final Cylon will be the person Caprica Six was meeting ... and Baltar is wearing that other outfit, so he is a prime candidate ... Not long after Six meets the unseen person the attack on the Colonies began. I'm worried, however, with the modern representations of Earth (newsstand, strip club [flashback], Kara at a piano player's [from Patriot Resource spoilers], and the ruined Earth we've seen in Revelations) that time-travel is going to play a part. Time-travel is a cheap gimmick. Or that there will be two Earths. Or that it all have been a dream -
(perhaps by them all) and it re-sets at the end of the story to the beginning (Mulholland Drive anyone? Will Cowboy show up and say, "Wake up" ?). Or, will it be one of countless iterations of possibilities similar to what the Architect talked about in the Matrix when Neo finally gets to meet him? The actors have all raved about the ending in the final episode, so fingers crossed.
Over on Mark Verheiden's blog (BSG writer/exec. producer) he teases that the post-series tv
movie will deal with the Cylon "plan." He likes to play with words and his blog post title does so.